کامپیوتر و شبکه::
سیستم تایید اعتبار
Within cryptomarkets, this problem has been mitigated by the use of various reputation systems, such as ratings, feedback and reviews of products and vendors, which are posted on the cryptomarkets themselves, in their forums or on social media.
These reputation systems provide buyers with a fairly reliable account of a vendor's previous transactions and track record, as well as of the quality of individual products, and can help them to build up an overall picture of whether a drug vendor is trustworthy or not.
In turn, this insight allows buyers to make informed decisions on what to purchase and from whom, and to avoid more dangerous batches of drugs, so that these reputation systems potentially offer, in this respect, certain harm reduction benefits.
This chapter describes the main features of reputation systems and their role in cryptomarkets.
One type of reputation system is the use of ratings for individual products.
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